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World Time Server 

World wide repair of Demag, Faun, Grove, Kato, Kobelco, Krupp, Liebherr, LinkBelt,  P&H, Tadano, Samsung and more. Specialist in electrical appliances. Knowledge in most of hydraulic systems. We offers world wide services and support, competitive prices and are ready to carry out any requests.
Please call: (+47) 917 93 211 for immediately access.
24 Hour World Wide Support
& Service.

For immediately contact, please call +47 917 93211, or send an SMS with all necessary information, including your E-Mail address.
www.mobilcrane.com will then contact you as soon as possible.

I dag tenker jeg på at alle kjeltringer fra vår barnevernssak hater å høre seg selv på
nettstreaming. Og jeg kan love dere at det streames fra min server på
www.mobilcrane.com. Har slått av varmepumpene nå, for PCn er glovarm.

Her kan dere høre hvordan barnevernet møter sine ofre. Autentisk opptak,
systematisert for direkte streaming:

Inneholder komplett opptak fra første og eneste møte med Lister Barnevern den
dagen de tok vår sønn ved bruk av en falsk påstand de selv hadde bidratt å

At de sto bak en rekke løyner kom selvsagt ikke frem før lenge etterpå.
Se også:

The tank has been lifted to let the SPMT drive under it and take over the load.

Cloce-up from the jacking system. This makes it possible to jack without welding in the tank's. The system has been developed by Skailand Kranservice.

This movie is from the transport of 6 tank's from Larvik to Mongstad. www.mobilcrane.com

The work was done by Nordic Crane Stangeland AS, with Skailand Kranservice as a sub-contractor. The 2 x 10 axle SPMT's was operated by www.ale-heavylift.com
More pictures will come later.

The old school in Flekkefjord did catch fire tonight. No people are known to be hurt.
See more pictures HERE PDF (764 kB)   -    Link to Fædrelandsvennen 's article.

Heavy-skidding at Sløvåg
The company Koger & Partnerid AS c/o AMESTO BUSINESS PARTNERS AS is carrying out the reconstruction of the oil terminal own by Alexela Sløvaag AS (former VestTank AS, Trond Emblem)
Enter HERE to go to the article.                                                          www.mobilcrane.com

Salvage of 8 ton excavator at Tele. See the full story HERE. www.mobilcrane.com

This site is established to help my friend Erik Svindland in a civil proceeding in court. Regrettable the co-operation in building two boats, Cobra 28, ended in a conflict between the two friends Erik Svindland and Dag Martin Bakken. The case will only have local interests in Flekkefjord and perhaps in some other districts in Norway, but not abroad. All text will therefore be written in Norwegian language. www.mobilcrane.com

Relevant documents available at www.mobilcrane.com
1. Reply to Lister Tingrett: PDF HERE Word.doc HERE
2. Judgment from Lister Tingrett (Court of law.): PDF HERE
3. Appeal to  Agder Lagmannsrett (High court.): PDF HERE Word.doc HERE
4. Complaint to Rogaland Statsadvokatembeter: The document will not be displayed here, but you may request the document sendt to you. please contact me at post@mobilcrane.com Do not forget to leave your contact information.  

Enter this link and look into the proceedings between VestKran AS and Skailand Kranservice ANS. New information is added continuously, as the case goes on.
(unfortunately the site is only available in Norwegian text).
VestKran AS did request the court for an originating summons, in fact two times.
(VestKran AS fail to appear the first session)
14 November  2007 the 1.st. judgment from Flekkefjord Forliksråd was presented.
VestKran AS loses the case. 
Download PDF HERE (last page in document)
Again VestKran AS request the court for an originating summons.
Download the reply to Flekkefjord Forliksråd HERE
16 January  2008 the 2.nd. judgment from Flekkefjord Forliksråd was presented.
VestKran AS loses the case again. 
Download PDF HERE
Then VestKran AS appeal the conflict to Lister Tingrett
Download the reply to Lister Tingrett HERE
9 December 2008 the judgment from Lister Tingrett was presented.
VestKran AS loses the case once more.
Download PDF HERE or Word.doc HERE

"Betongbryggen" Leverandør Skailand Kranservice                                       Klikk HER


Skailand Kranservice has now produced a new calculator for use when lifting loads where all lifting-point's may have unsymetric placing from the senter of gravity of the load, even in Z-axis. The calculator will provide you with all essential data you need to lift the load, containing lengt and strength off your wires.
However, if you do need any special calculations witch may not be calculated with my product, please contact www.mobilcrane.com for further assistance. The calculator may be downloaded in a Trial-version complete free off charges.
Click on the picture, or download HERE (Version 1.1.5 2022 108kb xls)
www.mobilcrane.com  Eltervåg Strømsvåg

Stangeland Kran AS
lifting an old bridge into a new place in Kvinesdal. The bridge has been fully renovated, and will serve as a walkway. I did have the plasure to execute the lifting with the Demag AC 200-1. "Kvina Bridge" is 31 meters long and did have a total weight of 17,4 ton's. No problem for the AC 200. More pictures HERE

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5 Ton Boat Lifting System.
This lifting system was constructed by Skailand Kranservice, for Mr. Geir Skailand. It may lift any boat up to 5 ton's, safe and easy. All 4 hook's are lifted by one winch, placed i the room inside the boat's place. The lift is operated by a remote control panel, on the wall beside the position for the operator of the boat. In just a few seconds, the boat are lifted clear of the water, and all passengers may walk on to the key, when the boat is hanging in the air. Click HERE. and check it out. This system may be constructed to fit any size of boat/cabincruiser/yacht, up to several hundred ton's. For more info, contact www.mobilcrane.com 

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Skailand Kranservice, Flekkefjord, Norway, will from now on be able to handle heavy jacking services. 
5 Heavy Duty Jacks, each capable to handle 140 ton, will make it possible to lift heavy colli's, up to more than 500 ton. The system is powered by 7 bar compressed air, and is totaly safe in "E0-zones".
For more info, please contact Skailand Kranservice by phone or E-Mail.
www.mobilcrane.com  Eltervåg Strømsvåg

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The Ural 375D, now with 60 meter outrigger on the transporting-frame. Exact load of outrigger is 10,7 ton. From this point, the transport will pass over the "Refsti Bro" and through the "Fedahei tunnel", aproxemately 2,5 km of travel. Enter HERE to see more pictures from the transporting of a Liebherr Towercrane.
  Skajaa & Company

This main purpose of this site, is exclusively to link different articles together, and let the world learn about different ways of doing business. Hopefully, the site will make it allmost impossible to continue in the marked. www.mobilcrane.com
      Eltervåg - Also look at - Strømsvåg
  Torgils Skajaa & Seaex AS

The P&H Omega Barge is now beeing constructed. The site will be upgrade along with the progress of the construction. www.mobilcrane.com 

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To assist HSM Steel Structures BV & Eltel Networks AS, in the work on "Fedafjorden Bro", a MOB-boat , "FRC Rubicon" , are now mobilized in Flekkefjord. All work on the suspension-cables, that may create any risk for other traffic, and/or the bridge-project, will be follow-up by the MOB-boat. In cases where the safety is threaten, approaching ships or boats will be warned by VHF, Light Signal & Sirene.

Go to the site, enter HERE! < Norwegian information >   www.mobilcrane.com ________________________________________________________________

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Enter the site, and examine how the Earth's Mantle affects to weather and wave motions.
Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

This site has now been visited by more than 30000 people (different IP-addresses) from more than 100 nations (122). Enter HERE!, and view the listing. 
And if your country, of some reason, is missing, please notify

Add some music to your environment!
Check out this site, and listen to the music from Radio Bangkok while your online.
Select your connection: Enter HERE

Source, Radio Bangkok  Eltervåg Strømsvåg

News from www.mobilcrane.com:  " Lifting in Theory & Practice "  , by K. Skailand 
A reader of www.mobilcrane.com requested for some more theoretical information in lifting, and this site is intended for this use. Here www.mobilcrane.com will make public crane & lifting theory. Enter the site HERE!

Useful Downloads, download and use, free of charges. 
Now there is several diagrams available for dowloading, all free of charge. Look at "Useful Downloads" in the "Menu" at the left side. By use of these Calculators, you may find the calculations in un/symmetrical loads.
Now available, download for free, and calculate all necessary data for lifting un/symmetrical load's. The calculator requires Microsoft Excel in your PC.  
Lifting in 2 points: Download HERE!
Lifting in 3 points: Download HERE!
Lifting in 4 points: Download HERE!
www.mobilcrane.com  Eltervåg Strømsvåg

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Demag AC 120, the new generation mobilecrane, with full electronic controll of all movements. Not quite without problems. Read about it in Previous projects, Demag AC 120, defect. 
Click HERE, and read the complete story with all details needed for a quick repair by a local electronics engineer. The diagrams are available at www.mobilcrane.com 
Download now for free. Click HERE!

Speciality for  www.mobilcrane.com
Repair by internett and/or telephone, with schematic diagram, JPG format or AutoCad,  and/or digital photos. Reconditioning of old systems are one of our specialtys, example the DEMAG TC 600 and Liebherr LG 1200, Panama in Previous project's.

Worldwide Repair
Professional repair of mobile cranes, WorldWide. 24 Hour Support. Enter HERE! for more details.
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Flight tickets

Check for available flight's at the KLM, Maersk Air & SAS HERE!
If you do not wish to order your ticket's yourself, just give the
commission to USA EXPERTEN, and the journey is taken care of.
Other airlines will be listed successively, and all requests for listing,
will be welcome to this site. To contact this web-site, enter HERE! 
www.mobilcrane.com  Eltervåg Strømsvåg

Cable-crane in Scandinavia.
Skailand Kranservice 
will assist E NIGG in Scandinavia. If your company are in need for a cable-crane, please contact Skailand Kranservice by Kenneth Skailand. Enter HERE and visit the special site, all in Norwegian text.

The cable-crane at Svinesund, sheck "Previous projects, LTM 1400, at Svinesund"  Please enter HERE. You will also find a link to the web-camera at Svinesund bridge.
Bilfinger Berger AG is the main contractor on this project. Visit the German web-site HERE. There is also a special site for this project, www.svinesund.de . This site will deal with the Svinesund-project.   www.mobilcrane.com  
The cable-crane from E.NIGG Switzerland. Skailand Kranservice tok part in the installation of the cable-crane, in the spring 2003. Enter the special site assigned the installation HERE! 
www.mobilcrane.com  Eltervåg Strømsvåg

Enter this link and visit the web-site Svinesund.no The web-site is managed by Mr. Bๅrd Halvorsen, webmaster and owner of svinesund.no. The site is operated on idealistic basics, and do have some interesting information from the Svinesund Project. www.mobilcrane.com

E39 Vest Agder, Norway.

The new E39 between Flekkefjord and Lyngdal, is now almost finished. All tunnel's are finished, and all new road are completed. The 23 January, the 9 sections for the main span on the "Fedafjorden Bro" will be lifted in position, by the crane-barge "Uglen"
www.mobilcrane.com will follow the finishing of the bridge (And also partisipate in the work), and public the progress at the site, step by step. Enter the site HERE, and stay updated as the road is beeing constructed.
The span between the two load-carrying tower's is 331 meters, and the top of both tower's reaches 107 meters over the sea-level. Maximum height for ship's to pass under the bridge will be 50 meters above normal sea-level.
www.mobilcrane.com  Eltervåg Strømsvåg

Hitachi KH 300-3 Loadcell
Late in Januar 2003, the LMB on a Hitachi KH 300-3, 80 ton's lattice-bom crane broke down, and the problem was located in the loadcell.  Enter HERE, and read all detail's.

 Exchange Rates

Second-hand Cranes requested for,
X-rates.com's " Currency Calculator "
The demand for second-hand cranes has increased, and in order to serve all customers, the cranes will
be listed in this site. Enter HERE to search for the
cranes in request.

Safe Job Analysis.
Skailand Kranservice executes general solution in strategic planning/safe job analysis for customers/clients. Extensive background experience in all kinds of commissions. A great solution for safety policy, as principal plane, or as third-party-beneficiary contract, for an independent safety analysis. Almost all accidents may be eliminated, if a procedure for a job is worked out. For further particulars/information, please contact  www.mobilcrane.com

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Enter HERE for more details.

Fully equipped Service-car / Express-Delivery 
The 97 4x4 Chevrolet Tahoe is equipped with all necessary equipment for all kind of repair-work. When needed, the 2 ton trailer will carry any spare-part to the site.
For Express-Delivery, please contact Skailand Kranservice, and we may serve you.
For reference, enter HERE!   www.mobilcrane.com

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A 94 Mitsubishi Canter will be equipped with all tools, required to do a repair work, independent of where the work will be execute. All power needed for electrical tools, lighting and for example welding, will be produced by a Esab Power Supply.
Enter HERE, and read all about the truck.


Joint Venture Partners.
Agreement on co-operation possible & desirable. Get a link to your web-site at www.mobilcrane.com, and join in the top of listing at the search engines like www.google.com - www.altavista.com -search.yahoo.com - aolsearch.aol.com - www.metacrawler.com - search.msn.com - search.kvasir.no - www.kellysearch.com - www.start.no - www.eniro.se - search.virgilio.it - www.mywebsearch.com - ki.mysearch.myway.com - www.hotbot.com - www.mamma.com - 2020search.com - www.dmoz.com - www.a9.com - www.dogpile.com - www.search.sify.com  and more.        
For more  details, please contact: www.mobilcrane.com by clicking HERE

www.mobilcrane.com, worldwide support, parts,
repair and problem-solving, all in one web-site. 
Spareparts for cranes, worldwide.
Enter Alatas Limited Crane Service Worldwide
Repair/problem-solving, don't leave this site, just enter HERE!

All information in www.mobilcrane.com may be used by anyone, free of charge.  www.mobilcrane.com can not be held responsible for any mistakes caused by use of any information in this web-site, the information is ment as counselling service. However, all information will be in a high standard.
Mobilcrane.com has now been visited by 100 country's, check it out HERE. 
This web-site has been opened more than 150.000 times since it was established 16 May 2003.

Your sincerely, Kenneth Skailand, webmaster at www.mobilcrane.com 
Mannesmann Demag AC 500

Rev. 20230318 www.mobilcrane.com bilde 

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