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Hitachi KH 300-3 Loadcell

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Late in Januar 2003, the LMB on a Hitachi KH 300-3, 80 ton's lattice-bom crane broke down, and the problem was located in the loadcell. The old loadcell didn't give the impression to be original-mounted, and the price and delivery time on a new cell, made the choice easy. A new cell was supplied by Maskin & Auto Service AS.
This cell had no certificate for crane-use, and there had to be made a housing, to take care of the load if the loadcell should break off. Skailand Kranservice made a design drawing in AutoCAD 2000, and gave it to Flekkefjord Produkter AS. 
Next afternoon the steel plate's were ready to be assembled, welded and painted, by Skailand Kranservice.  The following day it was exchanged on the Hitachi KH 300-3, with success. And the total costs was redused to 50-60% of the original cell.

The new cell in top picture.          

Rev. 20080224 www.mobilcrane.com bilde 

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