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Shortening a chimney.
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Vest Agder District General Hospital, "VAS"
Vest-Agder Sentralsykehus
, invited for tenders to shorten their chimney. The height was 37 meters, and the request  was to reduce the height with 19 meters.  Because of the position of the chimney, in the middle of several buildings, there had to be developed some strategic planning, to protect from any kind of injury and damage. My company made plans for all kind of situations, and also contacted the insurance company, and  negotiated forward a certificate of insurance. In the planning, all kind of possible elements of risk were included, and the disassembling was described, step by step, to prevent from any misunderstanding.
A scaffolding that fit to the outer radius of the chimney, split up in two halfs, was prodused in 2 days. This scaffolding could encircle the pipe, and make  access around the outside of the pipe, 360 degrees.  

Below the engineering design of the scaffolding.

The scaffolding was mounted with the 50 ton`s mobile crane, before the crane was fastened in the top of the chimney. The pipe consisted in an outer and an inner pipe, so the fastening had to be assembled with different length, allowing the outer pipe to be lifted 0,5 meter after cutting it, to make access to the inner pipe.

The plan was to split the top in three parts, but after consider the alternative possibilitys, and the capacity of the crane ( we already had redused the maximum rate of capacity to 50%, to safeguard from any incorrect information regarding calculations of weights) the pipe was disassembled in two pieces, first a shorter piece with weight of 2 ton, and a longer piece of 4 ton. The job started in a Monday, and was ended Wednesday the same week.  Thanks to accurately planning, the job was finished with satisfaction. 

Rev. 20080224 www.mobilcrane.com bilde 

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