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 Art from the future
E NIGG, Switzerland

  Stromgeneratoren      Materialseilbahnen       Kabelkrananlagen       Spezialmontagen

Picture from the building of the nev "Svinesund Bridge", source www.svinesund.no

Picture-gallery from different projects, source E.Nigg's web-site: www.enigg.ch  

E. Nigg, Untervaz, Switzerland

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Contact Information
Address: E.Nigg, Industrie Nord 907, 7204 Untervaz, Switzerland
Anreise:  N13 Ausfahrt Zizers / Untervaz

Phone: Stromgeneratoren: (+41) 81 / 322 97 89
            Seilbahnen:             (+41) 81 / 322 85 04

Telefax:                                (+41) 81 / 322 97 81

Web-site: www.enigg.ch
E-mail:      info@enigg.ch

Enter HERE! to view E NIGG - Norge & Skandinavia.
You may contact Skailand Kranservice in Norway, when you wish to discuss any use of the products from E Nigg.
Norway:    Kenneth Skailand 
Address: Skailand Kranservice, Lerkeveien 10 N-4400 Flekkefjord
Phone: (+47) 917 93211
Web-site: www.mobilcrane.com
E-mail:      post@mobilcrane.com       

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