Repair crane and install tower on the Svinesund-project.
The Liebherr LTM 1400 was on a commission at Svinesund, on the border between Norway and Sweden. A new bridge is under construction, with a span on about 330 meters. To provide the building with crane-covering, a cable-crane was set up, by the company E. NIGG from Switzerland. More details of this company are available at:
 This picture is taken from the top of the tower on Norwegian side, about 140 meter above sea-level. Vestkran A/S from Bergen, a town on the westcoast of Norway, was mobilized with their Liebherr LTM1400, to execute the installation of the tower's. The pictures illustrate's the tallness of the cable-crane. If you didn't like to climb a ladder, you would not be able to assist in this work. From ground level to the top of the tower, there was 250 ladder rung to fight. I did the trip to the top several times, and it was allright if you didn't hurry up.

83 meters (280 feet) above the base of the mast.
The two masts were both 83 meters high, and the accessible placing of the mobile crane 30 meter below on one side, made it necessary to use the Liebherr LTM 1400 on this installation. The crane was beeing assembled with the 84 m luffing-jib, when there became some problems with the electrical system. My services was requested, and after repair of the crane, I joint in the project, to supervise the operations, and also take part in the installation of the 2 towers for the cable-crane beeing installed. The view from top of the tower is indescribable.
 Mounting the 84 meter luffing-jib became a challenge.
Sweden Norway 
 The 2 masts and the Liebherr LTM 1400 seen from the old bridge.
Looking i direction of the new road on Swedish side. Bilfinger Berger AG is the main contractor on this project. Visit the German web-site HERE. There is also a special site for this project, This site will deal with the Svinesund-project.
From the old bridge at Svinesund, 21 June 2003. The construction has began to rice on Swedish side. The bridge will consist of a large bow, and the tower is only to support the bridge-construction during the building period. It will be removed when the bow is completed.
 Fictional picture of the finish bridge. This new E6 will raise the standard of the main road between Oslo and Göteborg. Source:
 The principle of the construction of "The arch" , source
Svinesund New Bridge, 30 November 2003
 The picture clearly shows the arch beeing shaped. After the explosion on the sun the 28. October, with the following sun-storm, there arise some interruptions in the control-system for the cable-crane. Some items in the control-system was replaced, but still the crane needed some servicing. Skailand Kranservice is co-operating with the company beeing responsible for running and maintenance work on the crane, E NIGG from Switzerland, and the 29 November Skailand Kranservice execute some minor adjustments on the cable-crane. Enter HERE, and check the details.
Svinesund 23 February 2004
 A view from the Svedish side. The "Arch" is complete, and the next step will be the dismounting of the two load-carrying tower's. The plan is to cut the 1000 ton tower's in 6 ton pieces, and lower them with the "Cable-Crane", which thereafter will be dismounted, by crane or helicopter. The time-schedule indicates that the work with the Arch, will be completed late in April 2004.
Skailand Kranservice will probably participate in the dismounting of the cable-crane, and supervice in the project, including the procedure with the helicopter-lifting. The demand for security and safety will be of high priority. The date for the helicopter-job, will be announced on this site. Check the web-camera by clicking HERE. and follow the progress.
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